All posts by Pete

About Pete

Dev, Musician, Dad

What To Choose For a Father-Daughter Dance

For your Father-Daughter Dance, there are plenty of Classics songs to choose from that will feel just right for the two of you.

Start off by seeing if your Father has a favorite song that reminds him of you.  This is your day, but it is also a big day for your parents.


Continue reading What To Choose For a Father-Daughter Dance

What’s In Your “All Inclusive” Package?

It’s the week of your wedding!  You’re polishing the final touches.
Can you trust that your vendors won’t hold your feet to the fire?

Continue reading What’s In Your “All Inclusive” Package?

What To Choose For a First Dance

For your first dance, there are plenty of Classics and Modern Love songs to choose from that will feel just right for the two of you.

Here is a list from The that will give you some of those:

“50 Classic First Dance Songs”

Continue reading What To Choose For a First Dance

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